"The family is, so to speak, the domestic Church. In it parents should, by their
word and example, be the first preachers of the faith to their children."
Prayers, blessings, and devotions for your family from the United States Council of Catholic Bishops
An interesting Blog to nurture the spirituality of your family.
An interactive, exciting website with prayers, conversation starters, and activities for families.
Domestic-Church.com hopes to promote a Catholic culture of the home that will aid each family to become "what you are!"
This user-friendly website contains Saint’s Stories, Praying with Children, Family Activities,Parenting Tips and Inspiration for the Catholic family.
This interactive website is a very useful catechetical tool for the whole family to learn more about the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
How Holy Can My Family Be?
Children Learn to Pray – prayers of the Church, everyday prayers, seasonal prayers
For Teens:
VCAT – Video Catechist for Teens by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston. This site features a monthly video, Discussion Guide for Catechetical leaders, teachers and youth ministers and a family discussion guide. Our generation of teens will find this site new and relevant to their lives. Videos and discussion guides are focused on God’s love, relevant to today’s culture and driven by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Click link below!